We have grown up watching International TV Series and most of the 90's kids like us have started it with Friends. The first drama series was Prison Break for us and we were amazed how wonderful these series were. With that we slowly got sucked into this world of TV Series and we really enjoyed it. We got the opportunity to watch a lot of series thanks to Torrent and now various OTT platforms. On the basis of that we have listed our personal favorite top five and we believe you need to check them out too.
5. Mr.Robot (Amazon Prime)
The series is based on a cybersecurity engineer and hacker who is recruited by a cryptic anarchist Mr. Robot to bring down the largest conglomerate in the world. On the surface, the series feels like a story about a vigilante hacker, however, it delves deep into issues like social anxiety disorder, clinical depression, dark areas of the internet, capitalism, and income inequality.
From the first episode, we are immersed in Elliot Alderson’s mind and see everything from his perspective. Rami Malek plays the character of Elliot Alderson to perfection and he is well supported by a flawless Christian Slater as Mr. Robot. The show also introduces us to one of the most unique antagonists seen on television – Whiterose (played by the brilliant BD Wong). The direction and camerawork are beautiful and gives a sense of disorientation throughout. Some scenes in the series are just beautifully shot and feel poetic. A special mention for the musical score is captivating and leaves an impact on you.
This show comprised of four seasons and every season kept on getting better. The plot becomes even more complex and interesting as we move forward in the series. The ending of the show was very satisfying, and we could not have asked for a better end to this psychic cyber-thriller. We recommend everyone out there to give this series a try and we assure you it will not disappoint.
4. The Wire (Disney Hotstar)
The series is based out of the city of Baltimore and it introduces us to the different institutions of the city and its relationship to law enforcement. The show spans five seasons and each season is presented from a perspective of a different institution in the city. Its realistic portrayal of society and politics is groundbreaking. The common running theme in this show is institutional dysfunction and how it affects the life of every individual in a city.
The characters in the series elevate the show to a higher level. If you do watch this show then characters like Stringer Bell (played by Edris Elba), Omar Little (played by Michael K. Williams), and Marlo Stanfield (played by Jamie Hector), will be permanently etched in your memory. This is a rare show where every actor is at the top of their game and it feels like you are living in Baltimore along with these diverse characters. The writing is something which television had not seen before and big credit to HBO to take up this series. The direction is also spot on and lets the character take over the story with ease.
The Wire first premiered in the year 2002 and its subliminal themes and social commentary is still relevant in today’s time and this itself shows that the show was way ahead of its time. This is a show which is studied as a case study piece is renowned institutes that include numerous analyses online.
Honestly, in today’s age of TV series where the audience has a very short attention span, this show needs your patience and attention, and you will be thoroughly rewarded at the end.
GoT is the story of
the Iron Throne and how every house and person is trying to outwit each other to
sit on this iron throne and rule the world. GoT has been a passion for us. We
have followed every fan theory, analysis video, behind the scenes, articles, etc. related to the show. The day it was announced that GoT will premier in
India on Hotstar along with the US our joy had no bounds. We would wake up in
the morning at 7 to watch the show. We would go to work late just to be able to
watch the episode and then spend the week analyzing the episode. Btw Emergency
Awesome is a great YouTube channel for GoT show analysis.
We agree the last
season was a complete dud and we hardly liked anything about the season but
that can’t take away the glory from the show and all the other seasons. There are episodes and characters that will
remain with us forever. We still haven’t stopped watching these special
episodes like the red wedding, the purple wedding, the battle of the bastards,
the winds of winter to name a few. And who can ever forget Ramsay Bolton or Jon
Snow or Ned stark or Cersei Lannister and the list can go on. GoT has been a
topic of discussion for hours with friends and fans. We can just go on and on
about the show given a chance but we will stop now.
Every technical aspect of the show was spot on and the cast and production evolved from Season 1 and their performances kept getting better. Although some characters were at the top of their games throughout like Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister), Chares Dance (Tywin Lannister), Lena Heady (Cersei) Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Jamie) Aidan Gillan (Littlefinger) and our absolute favorite Iwan Rheon (Ramsay Bolton). We are sure most of you all reading this must have watched the show and if you haven’t please just WATCH IT! I assure you won’t regret it.

This show is way ahead of its time and unfortunately, a lot of things shown on this show are becoming a reality soon. The common theme of the show examines the various consequences of technology in modern society. Here every episode is a new story with no continuation. Every episode is a masterpiece in itself. We watched the first season way back in 2011 or 2012 and we were truly intrigued then. But when I re-watched the episodes last year we were just spellbound because the stories seemed like reality and our near future.
The show portrays to us the dark side of technology. The name Black Mirror signifies the dark reflection of us that can be seen on the black screen of the devices when turned off. Huge applause for the creators of this show Charlie Brooker. Also hats off to the writers who have come up with such real, innovative, and thought-provoking stories. All the other technical aspects about the show are spot on right from the direction to the cinematography to background music. Except maybe for one or two episodes, we love each and every episode of this show. Each story transfers you into a futuristic world and it seems so real and possible.
The set of actors in the show are brilliant. Some of them like Daniel Kaluuya, Anthony Mackie and Jerome Flynn have become big stars in the industry. Black Mirror is a truly phenomenal show and we assure you that every story in this show is sure to amaze you. We recommend this show strongly, if nothing we assure you that you will definitely start using technology more responsibly and cautiously.
The premise of the show is that Walter White is a high school Physics teacher who starts cooking and selling meth under dire circumstances. Then the story takes us on a journey with him and his accomplice into the world of drugs, mafia, and their own lives. The show went on for five seasons and stayed true to its character. The ending of the series was as perfect as it could have been.
The show made a star out of Bryan Cranston as Walter White and rightly so. He gave one of the most memorable performances in the history of television along with Aaron Paul as Jesse Pinkman. The remaining cast was also brilliant. The direction, script, cinematography everything was perfect. It’s not for no reason that BB is regarded as the greatest television series of all time even on the IMDB website.
I have recommended BB to so many people and many of them discontinued watching it calling it slow and not interesting enough. This show needs your patience and attention. It slowly develops its storyline then takes you on a roller coaster ride and finally gives you a perfect finish.
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