Sunday, March 15, 2015

Highway to hell – A spine chilling journey

Movie: NH10

Cast:  Anushka Sharma, Neil Bhoopalam, Darshan Kumar

Rating: ****

Revenge is making them pay for your pains - Erica O'Rourke

The movie starts with Anushka Sharma (Meera) and Neil Bhoopalam (Arjun), a new age working couple, driving to a party. Meera unwilling to go in the first place, has to leave the party early for some work. On her way she is attacked by some goons and this incident forces her to get a gun.

The story then steers towards the couple travelling on the highway for a weekend getaway to celebrate Meera’s birthday. On the way, they stop at a dhaba where they witness a young couple being dragged away. When Arjun tries to intervene he is slapped and shoved away by a man (Darshan Kumar) who claims to be the girl’s brother. Arjun decides to teach these men a lesson and follows them with Meera’s gun in spite of constant pleads from her not to do so. After that unveils a series of horrific events.

The film shows Urban India crossing paths with Rural India and how they are two completely different worlds within the same country. These two societies are unaware and ignorant about the other’s existence.  The story takes you through a path of survival, pain and finally revenge for the couple who have witnessed a case of honour killing.

Director Navdeep Singh has done a brilliant job in making the audience become a part of the character’s journey for survival. There are scenes in the film which make you cringe, send shivers and feel the pain. You begin to empathize with the character. The scene where Meera is dragging the iron rod on the ground waiting for the killers, send chills down the spine. Also the scene where Meera is smoking a cigarette watching the killer die keeps you spellbound.

I wish I could see more of Neil Bhoopalam since I know he is such a fantastic actor. He has a limited role which he plays with complete honesty. Darshan Kumar gives a powerful performance as the male chauvinist killer. But this movie is all about Anushka Sharma and she delivers her best performance till date. She steers her role smoothly from a professional girl, a helpless wife to a revengeful killer.  Although I think she could’ve done a better job for the last two scenes of the film but that can’t take away her impressive performance in the rest of the film.  

After a long time Bollywood has seen a thriller which presents the realities of our societies. It is definitely a must watch for its direction, story and performances.

This movie transports you from the skyscrapers and malls of metros to the casteism and chauvinism of villages along the highway NH10.

1 comment:

  1. Gut-wrenching first half. Bad Hollywood horror flick in the 2nd.
